Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I officially became a resident of Arizona. With the ugliest drivers license picture ever - and I don't get a new one until 2050 - I'll be in my 60's.

Feel free to laugh at my nastiness...

I just gagged...


Mary Ellen and Kevin said...

it's not THAT bad... at least you have some color and not washed out (even if the color is a bit red) hehehehe.. :s

Caro said...

2050!!! wow that's a long time!
We have them taken every 6 years here.

Delia said...

I don't think it is that bad, but you are your own worst critic right? Don't you love how long their driver's licenses last there?

Laura W said...

You are far too critical on yourself. Just keep reminding yourself that it was the lighting that was the problem. You still look gorgeous to all of us.

Brandon and Amanda Brady said...

Hope you move back to Logan/Utah before 2050!!

kate said...

Whatever. You're way cute!! I hate my new one too!

The Barton Family said...

it's whats on the inside that counts Chana....hahahahah- it did make me smile :)