Monday, February 11, 2008

It's a little late...

Maybe it is a little late for a 2008 goal but hey I'm going to make one now anyway.

My friend Christy has vowed to read at least 50 books this year. I think that this is one of the best resolutions so I decided to make it my own (except maybe not 50 books--we'll just have to see!).

Books I've read to date this year: 2...I think.

I just finished reading The Kite Runner.
this book was really good. It was a pretty difficult read and at times I didn't want to finish but I did and now I actually like it.

The story is about a young boy in Afghanistan. It tells his story of growing up with social structures of that society.

My next book will be A Thousand Splendid Suns. I've heard it is the sequel to this book or is related in some way. I'll let you know how it goes.

If you have any suggestions on good books to read let me know!

Yes I've already read all the Twilight Books.


erica said...

Oh you are a better person than I am! I hate to read...but once I find a good book and actually read it I find I enjoy it. Good luck!

Sydney said...

I loved A Thousand Splendid Suns, I think it's one of my all time favorites. The only thing it has in common with The Kite Runner is the location of the book. Other than that, it's completely different.

You should join goodreads and then you can read reviews of books and find some good books. I'll invite you....

Cynthia said...

I just started reading the Twilight series. I haven't read a book in forever. So good for you. Good luck. Let me know if you read any good ones.

Anonymous said...

I just read Princess Acadamy by Shannon Hale. It was really good! Now I am going to read another one of her's, Goose Girl. I know, kinda weird names, but they are an easy read, and cute! Do you go to the library? I go online and put in all the books I want, and then they e-mail me when they are in. I love it, cause I forgot what I put in and so it's a surprise what book I'll read next!

Mauri said...

Goose Girl and Princess Academy are two of my favs. They are both young adult reads, so they are easy, but so good.

Anonymous said...

I have two more I just thought of: Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet (it has some sex and stuff in it though) but it is amayzing. And These is My Words. I can't remember the author. It is about a girl going across the plains, sad, but worth it. Amber