Sunday, February 24, 2008

Business Trips

So in about a week in a half I am going on another business trip. While I'm excited about it I'm also a little nervous. I've never travelled by myself unless you count getting on a plane and being picked up my family.
The last time I travelled by myself I went to Colorado to visit my sister and on the way home missed my flight because I couldn't figure out how to get to the terminals in the Denver Airport so I ran (literallly) around the baggage claim area only to find the terminal checkpoint right where I started.

Then I was in such a hurry to I ran UP a DOWN escalator. After figuring out why in the H I wasn't moving I got on the right one. By this point my plane was long gone.
So I'm a little nervous about travelling on my own.

For this trip I am going to St. Louis for three days and then to Chattanooga, TN for another four days. All by myself.
I don't feel old enough to do this yet.

So this is my brillant plan: The pillows on our bed suck but the pillows in these nice hotels pillows are I'm debating about taking one pillow in my suitcase and slowly switching one out on every trip. I think that I could possibly get away with this. Has anyone ever tried this??

Oh and if anyone has gone to either of these places and has ideas of what I can do while flying solo let me know!!


thetaylors said...

At least go visit the St. Louis arch. It's really fun.

Kelsie said...

I have always wanted to take hotel pillows, but never thought to take one of my own to switch it out with! What a brilliant idea! Let me know how it goes! What are you going on all of these trips for? Where do you work? PS: You should for sure read Eat, Pray, Love! It was great. Want to borrow it?

Amanda said...

I wish we could come see you! What days will you be there???? It's about 7 hours from here!!!! Close!!!

Christy said...

For sure take a pillow!!! I've never done it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work!