Monday, November 8, 2010

I smell gold

Fred has been volunteering for the Special Olympics for the last couple of months. Every week he goes out with his buddy Mike to practice, trash talk, and play some golf.

Saturday, October 30th, Fred and Mike competed in a Special Olympics tournament and won GOLD!
(please note: I clarified and no, not everyone gets a gold medal - it's earned!)

Next weekend they'll compete in the State Championship where I'm smelling another GOLD! I'm really sad because I have to miss it since I'll be in the 801 for work but I know they'll do awesome!


McKell said...

Whoa...hold the phone. You're going to be in the 801? Are you available for visits? Or are you going to be a slave to your job? I need answers. NOW. If you are available for a McKell and Josee appointment, then I get dubs on a time slot!

Laura W said...

Aaawww, I wish I could come and watch. That would be awesome to see.