Well it's finally Friday. YAY! I'm exactly 19 minutes away from walking out the door for 2 glorious days of scheduled freedom before I come back for another crazy week of trying to get the hang of things!
This week went by great here at NDT. I'm catching on a little and was actually able to write a case study (okay parts of it) and write a blurb for the Enewsletter. It doesn't sound difficult but what the company actually does is like a huge ball of confusion right now.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who speaks english and I stranded in Kulembacka, Greece where no one speaks english. I've heard time and time again that it's just a matter of time before I get it--I hope everyone's right.
Here's the web address so you can check out my company. justware.com
It really is pretty cool what they do. If I understood what that really was!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I guess I'll grow up

The hardest part about being married is that fact that I'm now an adult. I mean I'm 22 so you'd think this would have happened before now but I guess I hadn't fully bloomed. (a different bloomage besides certain body parts)
For the first week of married life-- I worked once a week at a tanning salon making an hourly wage then I was home the rest of the week trying to put our new super cute apartment together and looking for a grown up job.
Mid way through that first week I got a phone call from a job that I had applied for (but was positive I wouldn't get because I'm so underqualified and I'd only done a phone interview). I then received the best news ever! They actually were crazy enough to hire me!
I am now the Marketing Representative at New Dawn Technologies. My favorite part about the job is that it's salary and it comes with full benefits--if you know Fred you know that insurance is very much needed because super glue does not always work.
My first day was Monday--and here I am on my third day. So far so good. It's going to be a challenge but I think I'm up for it.
I'm still learning what the company actually does and what my position actually means so so far I'm a little frustrated and very tired.
But can you beat a job the doesn't really care when you come in in the mornings (as long as you get your work done), lets you wear whatever you want (no speedos), provides free drinks, pays for half your gym membership and requires you to dress up on Halloween?? I think not.
I think I'll like my new grown up job a lot.
Now if only there was someone to clean my house now because it's a mess!! Any volunteers!?

I'm not even sure how to start this because our wedding day was such a blur but also SOO perfect! (all pictures were stolen from my sister Syd's page, and kellie and Mauri's pages because my photographer hasn't gotten our back to us yet! So thanks!)
We got married at 2:20 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Fred wasn't so thrilled about me really really really wanting to get married there because of the enormous amounts of people who do but because he loves me so much he gave in. Much to both of our surprise-- there were only 2 other couple getting married around the same time! Which is unheard of! It was so nice to be able to get ready without a million people around.
Fred and I arrived at the temple just after one to get everything signed and ready to go. This may be a shocker to some but I'm a complete cry baby. Every time I would look at or think about this amazing man that I was about to marry I would tear up (okay more like start to bawl but whatever). I wasn't sure I was going to make it through the day.
It was such an amazing experience to be sealed for time and all eternity. It was also a tear jerker to be surrounded by family and friends that are there to support you. I especially loved my friends that were able to be in the Temple with us. Even though none of my very best friends are married--Mauri got to be there which was so awesome! (note to the girls- get married or go on a mission soon)
After being sealed my mom and I began the process of the dress. For some reason I fell in love with a lace up dress. I'm crazy. My poor mother had to lace it twice!
After we finally got me ready I went out and met my new husband who is so unbelievably attractive in a tux!

We exited the temple to be in the midst of all of our family and friends. This is the real shocker--I didn't cry!
We were able to take lots of pictures with all our family and friends. Then we were wisked away to do all our pictures and video footage.
Instead of having a reception we settled for having a dinner. (small was the idea--but it quickly got big) Our dinner was held at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.
Luckily our families are amazing so by the time we got there, everything was set up and looked awesome!!!

Fred and I barely ate anything but it was really fun to see everyone and to watch our video that by some miracle was put together during the dinner so everyone could see footage from the day.
We cut the cake, I through the bouquet and Fred took off my garter.

We left in a carriage that took us to the downtown Hilton where we spent our first night.
All in all we had the most perfect wedding day. From perfect weather to the perfect amount of people. We both were exhausted!
I just want to give a huge thank you to my family for dealing with me through out the entire planning period and also for making my special day SO perfect. I love you all very very much!! (oh here come the tears...)

Also to all of my friends that willingly babysat all the kids while their parents were in the temple.
And to Diana who flew home for this even though I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with her!! I'm so lucky to have the friends that I do. They are the best! i love you all!

The only thing we would change is the amount of time we were able to visit with people! There were so many people at the dinner that I saw but was never able to talk to! We both HATED that!

So for anyone reading this that was there but I didn't get to talk to you-- Please call me or something because I still would love to!
More Pictures will be coming--ones that you haven't seen!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Curiosity killed...the wolf?

I saw this link on my sisters page and absolutely had to try it. Turns out I'm most like Jacob. Who knew! What I really loved about the results was seeing which actor was who is the book!
I'd say that I could see this one. I think. Although I'm pretty sure this kid played Mogley in Jungle Book.
Here's the link to take the quiz yourself! You know you're curious!
(I'm still learning so I'm not sure how Syd got her clickable link...show off.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Dirty Dirty Dirty
This past weekend Fred and I went with my parents, My brother Carey and his family down to my grandparents cabin at Acord Lakes by Richfield, Utah.
We had so much fun! We only went overnight but it was perfect!
On Sunday we rode four-wheelers, shot the bb gun, played cards, and just sat around talking.
Yesterday, a couple of my parents friends came up and we all went on a four wheeling trip. It was really fun.
This time Fred and I rode our own. Which was a good thing because there definitely wouldn't be enough room for the two of us while he was doing all his tricks! My favorite of all his moves (and there are a lot) would have to be the superman. He's pretty talented I must say. It was a really fun ride. My dad took us to some awesome views and a cool headstone. But boy did we come back filthy!!
It was so fun to hang out with my family. My nephew Kaydan was really fun to play with and he was so good through the entire trip. He loved the four wheelers, even though half the time he couldn't see because his helmet was over his eyes. He just says 'WOW' to everything. I just love him!
It was such a fun weekend. We both loved it. Hopefully after we get married...in 10 days we'll do lots of stuff like this!
My Bridal Shower
I just wanted to give a HUGE thanks to all of my friends who threw me an awesome honeymoon shower a couple of weeks ago.
Kim, Kellie, McKell and Mauri put together a really fun party where we had to create a bride out of chewed bubble gum and we had our very own coldstone complete with waffle bowls. (which didn't help in the attempt to lose weight before marriage...) It was a really funny party...let's just say I learned a lot.
Lots of my friends were able to make it and it was really fun to see everyone after a long summer in different parts of the world.
I'm so lucky to have such great friends. I love you guys a lot a lot!
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